Every day, I go through life wondering about the people that I've met, wondering why there are some people who are horrible to disabilities. The honest answer is that they are ignorant and can't be bothered to learn about the disability. I met one person, who literally said that he didn't like disabled people to my face. After he said that, I went home and ignored him. People who don't want to learn, they are missing what great people there are in the world. We live in a multi-cultural world, where everyone is different, whether it is being disabled in some way or another, being a different race, from a different country, we are all different and we should learn about the person and what makes them tick. When you meet someone who has Developmental Language Disorder (aka, DLD), you need to follow some guidelines on how to interact with them. Here's ten: Don't interrupt them . If you interrupt them because they're speaking too slowly, or not answer...
Developmental Language Disorder is a speech and language disability that is concieved by a stroke within the womb. Recent research shows that 2 children in a class room of 30 will have DLD.